Selling rebuttals

Smash through their objections and propel yourself to new levels of income and earning power! Selling rebuttals.

Incredibly beneficial if you:

Sell any kind of product or service.
Coordinate or manage salespeople.
You're self-employed or own your own business.
Do you want to make more effective sales calls??
From The Desk Of: Bob Firestone
Dear Business Owners & Sales Executives —
You're smart enough to have found this page. Answer:  Highly effective rebuttals for overcoming objections.

Try these sales scripts ... The reason is because you have a limited amount of time to deliver your sales message. With that time you must say the most powerful things that are most calculated and most likely to get you the desired business result. And here they are for you, in an 85 page Guide and mp3 Audio Training.

You're learning new and original TRUST-BUILDING, FAITH-GENERATING conversational comebacks designed for today's informed clients and complex business world.

The Art of Handling Objections
Every sale has five basic obstacles:

No need, no money, no hurry, no desire, or no trust.
You must overcome these objections on every sale.

Frustrated by their stalls? Sick of rejection? If you refuse to help yourself & keep doing what you're doing now, then you can't expect different or better results. The key to fatter paychecks is preparing yourself with intelligent comebacks that expertly overcome objections like:
I'm not interested.
I'm too busy right now. Just fax me some info and I'll keep it on file.
The price is too high / We don't have the budget.
I need to talk to my partner, boss, wife, etc.
It won't work for us. We don't need it.
We've had a bad experience with this type of thing.
I like the idea, but I need you to tell me that I am making the right decision.
Right now, you can learn the perfect rebuttal for any objection they could possibly throw at you!

Overcoming Objections to close more sales and make more $$$.

The monthly investment you make is less than what you might spend on a couple rounds of cocktails on a Saturday night! — plus we have a money back guarantee ... "

Fine. So by the time we've had a 2 minute discussion, we'll either be doing business or we won't. Fair enough?"

"Margaret, there are usually three reasons why someone can't make a decision when we first contact them. The first reason is that they don't quite understand how it works and how it will benefit them. The second reason is that I might not have built enough credibility in my company ... and the third reason is that they simply cannot afford us. "Which company are you using? Oh, that's a good company!! — Seems like you're taking a big risk by failing to compare value"

Is your family depending on your ability to sell?

No matter what you're selling, you will benefit from this training.

With this Complete Master File of the best Comebacks & Rebuttals used by the most successful, most highly paid top 2% of salespeople, your earning power grows to a new level of opportunity. Increase your confidence & ability to transform your sales.

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